Saturday, November 1, 2008

Slowly but Surely

  • Hi I am finally here, I have been asked by a few of you if I had a blog or why I had not yet created a blog to keep in touch, to many of you I simply replied I had a FB account and that was how I chose to communicate with people I cared about.
  • I have thought of my own blog for a long time, thanks to Susie who has an amazing blog site and then later because of Lynne whose blog entries I love reading. Finally Mark was one who "push"me to begin so please bear with me as I "play"with this new form of keeping in touch with you as I hope to share what is going on in our lives.
  • I don't expect for everyone to take time to read every single entry I post but if you do take the time to read it I would love receiving your feedback and learn how you are doing.
  • Well this is my first entry and I will end here for now, expect some news from us.

Thinking of you, my family, my friends both old and new,



Lynne said...

Whoo-hooo! I'm so excited! Can't wait to read about what's happening at your house.

Jason and Lisa said...

Hey, thanks for keeping me informed through Lynne's blog!!!! (I am saying this with sarcasm) Anyways, I have not wrote you back on Facebook, but I will. I will be happy to read your blog even though you did not give me permission :). Truly love and miss you.

Mark Petersen said...

I'm glad you have a blog and I will be reading every post!!! Te felicito!